“My favorite underrated comic.” – Colin Quinn
“Jokes come in all sizes; sometimes the smaller, the better. Dwight York proves that on Quickies….one the most entertaining comedy releases of the year.” – Punchline Magazine
“It’s like water-boarding but with jokes.” – City Pages describing York’s non-stop rapid-fire delivery. (Presumably, the audience is laughing so continuously that they can barely breathe. Either that or the guy thought Dwight’s comedy was torture).
“Dwight York, as inventive as he is suggestive, is what Steven Wright would be if Wright had Robert Schimmel’s blue streak, and that’s a compliment to all three master comics.” – John Delery of Laughspin
“His offense: Being funny.” – Minneapolis StarTribune
“I was homeless for a while. But I didn’t want anyone to know, so I slept in front of a Ticketmaster.” – Dwight York
“I hope you like jokes,” may seem an absurd way for a comedian to begin a show, but those are the words Dwight York uses to introduce himself to his audience each night. Then the joke slinging begins, and never ends until he says “goodnight” a couple of hundred perfect one-liners later.
Dwight York has performed at many of the nation’s top comedy clubs and has appeared on the main stage at the Legendary Buffalo Chip Campground for the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally. He has also appeared at the Great American Comedy Festival and Edinburgh Fringe Festival. Twice he was a finalist in the San Francisco International Comedy Contest, and once he finished 2nd place at the Laughlin Laugh Fest.
York has been a favorite guest on the nationally syndicated The Bob and Tom Show and was featured on their CD, You Guys Rock. His CD Quickies (Stand Up! Records) was rated a “top ten comedy release of the year” by the Serious Comedy Site.
Laffspin says “Dwight York, as inventive as he is suggestive, is what Steven Wright would be if Wright had Robert Schimmel’s blue streak, and that’s a compliment to all three master comics.”